The US Environmental Protection Agency

The US Environmental Protection Agency

The United States' Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, is a governmental organization that regulates everything from asbestos to water and air pollutants that can endanger our health. As its name implies, the EPA also works to protect the environment from harm.
The US Environmental Protection Agency
The US Environmental Protection Agency
The EPA was born in July of 1970 as a result of the public calling for cleaner water and air as well as the regulation of land. On December 2, 1970, the EPA opened the doors to its office, in which it consolidates a variety of different tasks and information in order to fulfill its goal of protecting both us and the environment. The EPA serves as a hub of research information, monitoring gear, and standard-setting. Additionally, this agency works to enforce its standards.

This governmental organization has enacted several different programs in its quest to protect the land, air, water, endangered species, and control hazardous waste. First, you have probably heard of the Energy Star program, which uses financial rebates and other such incentives to encourage people to take voluntary steps to make their lives more energy efficient. It includes everything from appliances to home electronics to lighting.

Next, another project is the control of pesticides. All pesticides legally sold in the United States must be registered under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). A pesticide can only be sold after extensive research on the chemical, and even then it may only be sold to certified pesticide handlers.

If you've ever bought a new car, you probably noted the estimated miles per gallon achieved by the vehicle. This estimate is provided by the EPA. At first, the organization did real-world driving tests, but now it works by collecting emissions from the car. Because driving conditions have changed so much since the initial testing, consumers often discover that the actual MPG is lower than the estimated amount.

Lastly, an important piece of legislation regulated by the EPA is the Safe Drinking Water Act, which was passed in December of 1974. The SDWA provides for the monitoring of the public water supply (not water bottles) to protect us from drinking contaminants. The EPA tests for lead in the water, as well as bacteria. Additionally, it looks at the amount of asbestos in the water.

When asbestos is present in drinking water, people can ingest the fibers. The asbestos fibers can become lodged in the tissues in the digestive tract, which can cause cancers such as esophageal, gastrointestinal, and colorectal.

If you or someone you know has been exposed to an illegal amount of asbestos, causing health issues, you should speak to an attorney about your options.

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