Power Surge Corner Blog – Motivation, Encouragement and lots of laughs is always the order of

breast cancer awareness month 2017 Power Surge Corner Blog – Motivation, Encouragement and lots of laughs is always the order of
Breast Cancer

Among all cancers ladies, he takes the ultimate place. In most cases, cancer of the breast develops in the presence of precancerous changes. This is primarily a benign mammary dysplasia and papilloma ducts.
Power Surge Corner Blog – Motivation, Encouragement and lots of laughs is always the order of

Breast cancer is represented macroscopically nodular and diffuse forms, and also cancer in the nipple as well as the nipple of the field (Paget's disease in the breast). For the nodular cancers are characterized by the node developing a diameter as high as several centimeters. In certain instances, a strong knot, is permeated with whitish layers tissue penetrating to the surrounding dimply skin, in others - a soft, juicy for the cut, splits easily. Diffuse prostate cancer is covered for any considerable distance, the contours of the tumor are marked bad. Sometimes the cancer invades your skin and forms on the surface of decaying mushroom formation - a cancerous ulcer. In certain cases, the tumor spreads along the surface from the breast and many types of the iron is included with a dense shell.
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In histological structure include the following kinds of breast cancer:
• noninvasive: intralobular and intraduct;
• infiltrative.
Noninvasive cancer of the breast could be intralobular (lobular carcinoma in situ), and intraduct (ductal carcinoma in situ).

Infiltrating (invasive) cancer is seen as an varying levels of tissue and cell irregularities, which in a position to distinguish different amount of malignancy. This type of cancer include, specifically, infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma, which often has got the structure of scirrhus, along with Paget's disease.

Causes of Breast Cancer.

The reasons behind breast cancer often are hormonal changes within the body: the entry into menopause, should there be an active restructuring in the hormonal regulation from the woman, the ovaries lose their activity, decreased production of progesterone and estrogen, your body is certainly going through, "hormonal crisis." The mammary gland and endometrium (lining in the uterus) are most responsive to these changes, the breast type tissue begins to dissolve and become replaced by fat.
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Scientifically established the female hormones estrogen-, plays a key role within the continuing development of breast cancers. The excess hormones in the body produces a favorable background for developing the disease. The least active hormones estrogen behave in pregnancy and after birth - during breastfeeding. It is proved how the birth and prolonged breastfeeding (a lot more than 12 months) to reduce the chance of developing cancer of the breast. On the other hand, abortion result in hormonal "explosion" in a very woman's body that may trigger the progression of tumors. So far there is no consensus about the impact for the continuing development of tumors of hormonal contraceptive drugs, but it is believed that these drugs reduce the chance of developing cancer of the breast, but increase potential risk of developing cancer in the female genital organs, and osteoporosis. In addition predisposition to cancer of the breast may cause harmful environmental factors: the planet, and also inflammatory diseases previously deferred breast - mastitis.

In addition, patients having a group of first-degree relatives with cancer of the breast (mothers and sisters) probability of developing a tumor increasing by more than half - familial varieties of cancer.

Benign breast diseases for example fibrocystic breast disease, or fibroadenoz intraduct papillomatosis alone tend not to cause cancer, but as well, create an unfavorable background because of its development.

The reason behind cancer of the breast may be the connection between radiation, such as irradiation in the chest for other diseases (lung tumors, the lymphatic system), prolonged and frequent chest X-ray studies on inflammatory diseases or pulmonary tuberculosis.

Constitutional obesity can result in cancer with the breast and female the reproductive system, by having an excess fatty tissue inside body, it will become a different endocrine organ and starts to actively produce hormones-estrogens, whose action and provokes the development of tumors.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

There are a couple of forms with the growth of breast cancer:
- Nodular form, the most typical, is seen as a a dense knot of 0.5 to five cm or higher, it is seen as an all with the following symptoms;
- Diffuse. All of them are very aggressive, grow quickly, almost lightning speed, the tumor without any clear boundaries, "spreading" of the breast and skin. For the first 2 forms are characteristic indications of inflammation: pain in the breast, a bright red color of the skin it raises temperature to 39 degrees C. In view of these symptoms often occur, and errors in proper diagnosis of patients treated for inflammatory diseases, that are named and they are known these forms breast cancers. When tubular carcinoma breast cancers cover being a "skin" of the contracting and decreasing in proportions.
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In some cases, breast cancers manifests in the form of metastases inside lymph nodes on the affected side, often does not detect the tumor itself - show hidden breast cancers.

For small tumors of the breast, any symptoms arise. The most observant ladies and their husbands can detect tumor site inside the gland unintentionally, but in a very large breast to detect small size hard knot. Revealed a knot could be painful when pressed, round, smooth and agile, this speaks in favor of a benign tumor. Signs of malignancy other: a decent knot to touch the stone, its surface is uneven, it's stationary or slightly shifted, can be firmly fixed on the surrounding tissue or skin, usually painless, can reach an important size (over 3 - 5 cm and often 10-15 cm).
Breast Cancer Awareness – Zonta District 15

Need to evaluate the surface with the skin over the tumor: the malignant process will likely be observed retraction of the skin, buying in the folds, wrinkles, a signal of "lemon peel" - an area swelling of the skin in the tumor, might be a direct tumor invasion to your skin surface, then it becomes a bright beautiful red colors and sprawl as "cauliflower."

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