Meso Miles Worthing: How to join ‘blue army’ in Worthing for 5k raising awareness of mesothelioma cancer

Angie Mackrell launched the annual 5km fundraising event in September 2017, the first of its kind in the country. She took the idea from America, where Miles for Meso was introduced in 2009 by the Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation.

Angie lost her dad, Steve Tuffill, to mesothelioma in January 2017 and wanted to do something to raise money and awareness of the 'horrible cancer'.

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Angie said: "We've had to not do it the past two years because of Covid but we are finally back. It's going to be on September 17 on the seafront, across from Steyne Gardens.

Angie Mackrell's 'blue army' at the 2018 Meso Miles run

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"Tickets to buy an entry to the race will be on sale until August 31 and it's very important to wear blue."

Miles for Meso seeks to bring communities together and support research, institutions and advocacy groups in the shared fight against mesothelioma.

Angie's event will be supporting the Mavis Nye Foundation, which was created to inspire victims of mesothelioma, an asbestos-related terminal cancer.

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