Trump documentary filmmaker says he spent most of the time trying not to laugh while interviewing Don Jr.

Donald Trump Jr., flanked by two ring girls, speaks during a press conference ahead of the heavyweight fight between Evander Holyfield and Vitor Belfort on September 11 at The Harbor Beach Marriott on September 9, 2021 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Donald Trump Jr. speaks ahead of the heavyweight fight between Evander Holyfield and Vitor Belfort on September 9, 2021 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.Eric Espada/Getty Images

  • Listening to Don Jr. talk was almost too much to bear for UK filmmaker Alex Holder.

  • The Trump documentarian said he found Don Jr.’s political observations laughable.

  • “You can’t change these people’s minds,” Holder said of the futility of reasoning with the Trumps.

Trying not to crack up while listening to Donald Trump Jr. talking politics was no easy task, the UK filmmaker who followed the former first family around in late 2020 said.

“I spent most of the time trying not to laugh,” Alex Holder, director of the “Unprecedented” documentary, told The Bulwark’s Tim Miller of the self-control he had to exercise while interviewing the embattled former president’s oldest son.

One such exchange that Holder said almost had him rolling was when Trump Jr. recounted the purportedly rude awakening he got while visiting Czechoslovakia, his late mother’s birthplace.

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“Don talking about his political genesis, I guess, when he went to Czechoslovakia. And he’s so petrified that communism could come to America. You know, it’s ludicrous,” Holder said of the surreal moment. Holder added that he held his tongue, however, because “You can’t change these people’s minds.”

Trump Jr., who regularly joined his father on the campaign trail, remains one of his staunchest defenders. He recently contributed to the swirling legal fight with the FBI over the raid at Mar-a-Lago by posting a doctored image focusing on his father’s crotch that was captioned “Redact this!!!”

Holder gained access to the entire Trump clan in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election. He testified before the January 6 select committee about what he saw and heard in the White House regarding the deadly siege at the US Capitol.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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