7(1-8n) Distributive Property

Introduction to 7(1-8n) Distributive Property

The distributive property is one of the fundamental concepts in algebra and it plays an important role in simplifying algebraic expressions. In this article, we will focus on the distributive property of 7(1-8n) and explain how it can be used to solve algebraic problems. We will cover ten subheadings to help you understand this concept better.

1. What is the Distributive Property?

The distributive property states that when we multiply a number by a sum, we can first distribute the multiplication to each term of the sum and then perform the addition. For example, a(b + c) = ab + ac.

2. Understanding 7(1-8n)

In 7(1-8n), 7 is being multiplied by the expression (1-8n). This means that we need to distribute the multiplication of 7 to both terms of the expression.

3. Distributing 7 to the First Term

When distributing 7 to the first term of (1-8n), we get 7*1 = 7.

4. Distributing 7 to the Second Term

When distributing 7 to the second term of (1-8n), we get 7*(-8n) = -56n.

5. Combining the Terms

After distributing 7 to both terms, we can simplify the expression by combining the terms. 7 + (-56n) = -56n + 7.

6. Rearranging the Terms

To make the expression easier to read, we can rearrange the terms so that the constant term (7) comes last. This gives us -56n + 7.

7. Example of Using the Distributive Property

Let’s say we want to simplify the expression 7(1-8n) – 2(3n-5). We can use the distributive property to simplify this expression as follows:

7(1-8n) – 2(3n-5)

= 7*1 – 56n + 2*(-3n) + 2*5

= -54n + 17

8. Application of the Distributive Property

The distributive property is widely used in algebraic equations, simplifying expressions and solving problems. It can also be used when factoring polynomials, solving equations and simplifying complex expressions.

9. Practice Problems

Practice problems are a great way to reinforce your understanding of the distributive property. Here’s an example:

Simplify the expression 5(2x – 3) + 4(3x + 1)

10. Conclusion

The 7(1-8n) distributive property is a useful concept that allows us to simplify algebraic expressions and solve problems more efficiently. With practice and understanding, anyone can use this property effectively in algebraic equations.

7(1-8n) Distributive Property

The 7(1-8n) Distributive Property is a powerful tool in simplifying algebraic expressions. Learn it now and make your math life easier!

The 7(1-8n) Distributive Property is one of the most fundamental concepts in algebra. It is a mathematical principle that allows us to simplify expressions and solve equations with ease. If you’re struggling with this concept, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In this paragraph, we’ll explore what the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property is, how it works, and why it’s so important in algebra. So, let’s dive in and discover everything you need to know about this powerful tool.

The Distributive Property: An Introduction

The distributive property is an important concept in mathematics that helps simplify complex expressions. It is a rule that allows us to multiply a single term by a sum or difference of terms. The general formula for the distributive property is as follows:a(b + c) = ab + acThis formula can also be written as:a(b – c) = ab – acIn this article, we will explore the 7(1-8n) distributive property and how it can be used to simplify mathematical expressions.

What is the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property?

The 7(1-8n) distributive property is a specific application of the distributive property. It is used to simplify expressions that involve the product of 7 and a difference between 1 and 8n. The expression can be written as follows:7(1-8n)

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property

To use the 7(1-8n) distributive property, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply 7 by 1

Start by multiplying 7 by 1. This gives you:

7(1) = 7

Step 2: Multiply 7 by -8n

Multiply 7 by -8n. This gives you:

7(-8n) = -56n

Step 3: Combine the Results

Add the results of step 1 and step 2 together to get the final result:

7(1-8n) = 7 – 56n

Examples of Using the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property

Let’s look at some examples of using the 7(1-8n) distributive property:Example 1:Simplify the expression 7(1-8n) + 3.Step 1:Use the distributive property to simplify the expression:7(1-8n) + 3 = 7 – 56n + 3Step 2:Combine like terms:7 – 56n + 3 = 10 – 56nAnswer:The simplified expression is 10 – 56n.Example 2:Simplify the expression 2(7-5x) – 3(1-4x).Step 1:Use the distributive property to simplify the expression:2(7-5x) – 3(1-4x) = 14 – 10x – 3 + 12xStep 2:Combine like terms:14 – 3 – 10x + 12x = 11 + 2xAnswer:The simplified expression is 11 + 2x.

Why Use the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property?

The 7(1-8n) distributive property is a useful tool for simplifying mathematical expressions. It allows you to break down complex expressions into simpler ones, making it easier to solve problems. By using this property, you can save time and avoid errors in your calculations.


The 7(1-8n) distributive property is a specific application of the distributive property that is used to simplify expressions involving the product of 7 and a difference between 1 and 8n. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily use this property to simplify complex expressions. The distributive property is a powerful tool that can help you solve problems more efficiently and accurately.

Introduction to 7(1-8n) Distributive Property

The distributive property is a fundamental concept in algebra that allows us to simplify algebraic expressions. In this article, we will focus on the distributive property of 7(1-8n) and explain how it can be used to solve algebraic problems. Understanding this property is essential for anyone studying algebra, and it can make solving complex equations much more manageable. We will cover ten subheadings to help you understand this concept better.

What is the Distributive Property?

The distributive property states that when we multiply a number by a sum, we can first distribute the multiplication to each term of the sum and then perform the addition. For example, a(b + c) = ab + ac. This property is essential in simplifying algebraic expressions.

Understanding 7(1-8n)

In 7(1-8n), 7 is being multiplied by the expression (1-8n). This means that we need to distribute the multiplication of 7 to both terms of the expression.

Distributing 7 to the First Term

When distributing 7 to the first term of (1-8n), we get 7*1 = 7.

Distributing 7 to the Second Term

When distributing 7 to the second term of (1-8n), we get 7*(-8n) = -56n.

Combining the Terms

After distributing 7 to both terms, we can simplify the expression by combining the terms. 7 + (-56n) = -56n + 7.

Rearranging the Terms

To make the expression easier to read, we can rearrange the terms so that the constant term (7) comes last. This gives us -56n + 7.

Example of Using the Distributive Property

Let’s say we want to simplify the expression 7(1-8n) – 2(3n-5). We can use the distributive property to simplify this expression as follows:7(1-8n) – 2(3n-5) = 7*1 – 56n + 2*(-3n) + 2*5 = -54n + 17

Application of the Distributive Property

The distributive property is widely used in algebraic equations, simplifying expressions and solving problems. It can also be used when factoring polynomials, solving equations and simplifying complex expressions. Understanding how to use the distributive property is essential for anyone studying algebra.

Practice Problems

Practice problems are a great way to reinforce your understanding of the distributive property. Here’s an example:Simplify the expression 5(2x – 3) + 4(3x + 1)Solution:5(2x-3) + 4(3x+1) = 10x – 15 + 12x + 4 = 22x – 11


The 7(1-8n) distributive property is a useful concept that allows us to simplify algebraic expressions and solve problems more efficiently. With practice and understanding, anyone can use this property effectively in algebraic equations. Remember to distribute the multiplication to each term of the sum before combining the terms and rearranging them to make the expression easier to read.

Once upon a time, there were numbers. Some were big, some were small, but they all had a special power called the distributive property. One particular number, 7, was especially skilled in using this power.

From the point of view of 7, the distributive property was a magical tool that allowed it to simplify complex equations and calculations. By breaking down larger numbers into smaller, more manageable parts, 7 could easily solve any problem that came its way.

The distributive property worked like this:

  1. Take a number outside of a set of parentheses.
  2. Multiply that number by each term inside the parentheses.
  3. Add or subtract the results.

For example, if 7 wanted to simplify the equation 7(2 + 3), it would follow these steps:

  1. Take the number outside of the parentheses, which is 7.
  2. Multiply 7 by each term inside the parentheses, which are 2 and 3.
  3. Add the results: 7(2) + 7(3) = 14 + 21.
  4. Combine like terms: 14 + 21 = 35.

Through its use of the distributive property, 7 was able to simplify complex equations and make them more manageable. It felt empowered and confident in its ability to solve any problem that came its way.

The tone of this story is one of excitement and wonder. The distributive property is portrayed as a powerful tool that can simplify even the most complex equations. Through the perspective of 7, the reader is able to see the practical application of this mathematical concept and how it can be used to solve real-world problems.

Thank you for taking the time to read about the 7(1-8n) distributive property. We hope that this article has been informative and helpful in understanding how to use this property in mathematical equations.

As we have discussed, the distributive property is a useful tool when simplifying expressions. By multiplying the number outside of the parentheses by each term inside, we can simplify and solve equations more efficiently.

It is important to note that while the distributive property may seem daunting at first, with practice and patience it can become second nature. Remember to carefully distribute the number outside of the parentheses to each term inside and then simplify as needed.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has helped clarify the concept of the 7(1-8n) distributive property. If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about other mathematical concepts, please feel free to explore our blog for additional resources. Thank you again for visiting and happy calculating!

People often have questions about the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property. Here are some common questions and their answers:

  1. What is the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property?

    The 7(1-8n) Distributive Property is a mathematical equation that allows you to simplify expressions. It states that you can distribute the number 7 across the expression (1-8n) by multiplying 7 by both 1 and -8n separately, and then adding the products together.

  2. How do I use the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property?

    To use the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property, you simply multiply 7 by both 1 and -8n separately, and then add the products together. For example, if n is equal to 2, the expression would become 7(1-16), which simplifies to -105.

  3. What is the purpose of the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property?

    The purpose of the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property is to simplify expressions and make them easier to work with. By distributing the number 7 across the expression (1-8n), you can combine like terms and reduce the complexity of the equation.

  4. Can I use the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property with other numbers?

    Yes, you can use the distributive property with any number. The basic rule is that you can multiply a number by a sum or difference of terms by multiplying the number by each term and then adding or subtracting the products, respectively.

  5. What if I have more than one set of parentheses in my expression?

    If you have more than one set of parentheses in your expression, you can use the distributive property multiple times. For example, if you have the expression 3(2x+4y)(5x-7), you would first distribute the 3 across the first set of parentheses, and then distribute the result across the second set of parentheses.

  6. Can I use the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property to solve equations?

    Yes, you can use the distributive property to solve equations. By simplifying an equation using the distributive property, you can often make it easier to solve for a variable.

  7. What other properties of mathematics should I be aware of?

    There are many other properties of mathematics, such as the commutative property, the associative property, and the identity property. Each of these properties can help you simplify expressions and solve equations more efficiently.

  8. How can I practice using the 7(1-8n) Distributive Property?

    You can practice using the distributive property by working through math problems that involve simplifying expressions. You can find practice problems online, in textbooks, or by working with a tutor or teacher.

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