Industrial Diseases and Accidents That Often Lead To Compensation Claims

Industrial Diseases and Accidents That Often Lead To Compensation Claims

Do you or a family member suffer from an industrial disease or an injury that was caused by a workplace accident? If so, you may want to consider making a claim for compensation. Here are seven such ailments that may warrant speaking to a solicitor.
Compensation Claims
  1. Some of the worst industrial diseases that can be contracted are those relating to asbestos. Illnesses such as asbestosis, mesothelioma or pleural thickening have a serious impact on the lives of sufferers, so if you or a relative has developed one, a compensation claim is worth pursuing.
  2. One common disease caused in the workplace is that of industrial deafness. It occurs in employees who are exposed to loud noises and can involved permanent hearing loss. In other cases, sufferers develop tinnitus.
  3. There are a number of serious injuries that can occur in the workplace, including amputated limbs. The impact on the victim's life is considerable, which is why compensation is often claimed.
  4. Head and brain injuries can be suffered in the workplace where objects have fallen or people have tripped. There is the potential for both physical and psychological problems, which can impact future employability as well as their life in general.
  5. Trips and falls are often the cause of broken limbs, which can have a big impact on the immediate future for employees. They can lose earnings, including bonuses or commission, as well as missing out on events in their private life because of hospital visits.
  6. People who drive for a living are at greater risk of being in a car accident, which can cause a number of injuries that range in their severity.
  7. Unfortunately, some accidents that occur on the job lead to fatalities. In those circumstances, the relatives of the deceased may be able to make a claim. While the compensation is scant consolation for their loss, it may help to enforce changes at the workplace to avoid similar accidents occurring in the future.

If you have an industrial disease, such as mesothelioma or tinnitus, or have been injured through an accident at work, it could be worth speaking to a solicitor about your right to claim.

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