What is the science behind Mesothelioma?

What is the science behind Mesothelioma?

The warnings about working with asbestos came too late for many people. Their shortness of breath, wheezing cough and feeling tired all the time from contracting mesothelioma, a rare cancer, were too often confused as symptoms of other diseases. That is why a mesothelioma solicitors claim is so important to make if someone feels they have a case.
What is the science behind Mesothelioma?

The disease develops usually from long term exposure to asbestos and the fibres that are breathed in while working with the substance. The trouble is that symptoms might not appear until 20 to 50 years after someone has been exposed to asbestos.

The mesothelium is a lining covering most of the internal organs of the body and is there to protect them. However, the miniscule asbestos fibres interfere with their function, causing chest pain and fluid to surround the lung.

The main place where mesothelioma develops is on the internal chest wall and the outer covering of the lungs because this is where people breathe in the asbestos fibres. It can also develop in the abdominal cavity lining, which is the sac that covers the testicles and also the sac that surrounds your heart.

The main reason why people contract this disease is because they have worked closely with asbestos for their job. This is the reason why people want to make a mesothelioma claim, to try to provide for their family if they should die from the cancer.

Jobs most affected were people working in asbestos mills and mines, manufacturers of products made from asbestos, workers in the construction and heating industries and people working in shipyards. It was said that even if you washed the clothes of someone exposed to asbestos there was a chance you could develop mesothelioma.

Even though asbestos has now been banned in the UK, you can still make a mesothelioma claim because the symptoms take so long to become apparent.

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